Employee Value Proposition

Why do we need an EVP?

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a key part of your employer branding and helps to form how your current employees and future applicants see you as an employer.

An EVP is a unique set of offerings and experiences that an organisation makes available to its employees in return for their valuable contribution and commitment, it includes:

  • Culture

  • Compensation

  • Benefits

  • Career Development

A well-defined EVP not only attracts top talent but also retains and engages existing employees, fostering a positive employer brand. It aligns organisational values with employee expectations, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that enhances recruitment efforts and overall workforce satisfaction.

a white board with sticky notes attached to it
a white board with sticky notes attached to it
a couple of women standing in front of a white board
a couple of women standing in front of a white board

How we can help

Alba HR Consultancy can evaluate your current EVP and make suggestions to improve it or help you completely design your new EVP.

The benefits your organisation can expect from having a strong EVP includes:

  • Cost savings (e.g. recruitment)

  • Improved talent attraction and retention

  • Increased employee engagement

  • Higher productivity

  • An aligned culture

What's Next

Head to our Pricing and Packaging page to find out what plans we offer. Or, if you know what you are looking for, contact us today and we can arrange a chat to speak about your specific needs.