People Management Training

The Aim of Training

A Chartered Management Institute found that 82% of managers have never received any formal training. By not training your managers in how to manage their teams, you are setting them up to fail.

Without training it opens up managers to situations they have no idea how to handle and can cause further issues e.g. inconsistencies in the company message, unhappy staff, grievances and disengaged managers.

Our sessions will help your people managers feel more confident in their day to day role and will allow them to nurture and support their people.

man standing in front of group of men
man standing in front of group of men
MacBook Pro near green potted plant on table
MacBook Pro near green potted plant on table

How can we help

We provide line manager webinar training on the following subjects such as:

  • How to interview

  • How to have challenging conversations

  • How to give feedback

  • Conducting effective exit interviews

  • How to lead

  • HR Policy Training

The above are examples and we are happy to discuss the needs of your managers.

What's Next

Head to our Pricing and Packaging page to find out what plans we offer. Or, if you know what you are looking for, contact us today and we can arrange a chat to speak about your specific needs.